Sunday, November 24, 2019

Role of Women in Indian Society Essay Example

Role of Women in Indian Society Essay Example Role of Women in Indian Society Paper Role of Women in Indian Society Paper ROLE OF WOMEN: It is true that the worth of a civilization can be measured by the place that it gives to women in the society. It is also true that where women are honored, there gods live. Indian Women in the past enjoyed an exalted position in the society. They   excelled in various spheres of life and enjoyed every kind of liberty to develop themselves, socially, morally and intellectually. However, the position did not remain the same for long. During Muslim and British rule, her position was eclipsed. She was deprived of a wide measure of liberty and was confined within the four walls of the house. She was thought more as a possession than a human being. She was reduced to be a play thing of man and an object to gratify his lust, whims and fancies. Eve was not taken out of Adams head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him. Matthew Henry With the freedom of the country she regained her lost position and reasserted her -equality with man. As she fought equally by the side of man for the freedom of the country, it is in the fitness of things that she must enjoy and equally share the fruits of freedom. Today she is an . Important part of the nation-building activities. We must remember that women have a vital role to play in modern society. It is true charity begins at home. The first and most important role of the woman begins at home. She has to sweeten ways of life as mother, wife, sister and daughter. (The future progress of the country depends upon her care which she rears up the future generation. Her inborn honesty, sincerity and earnestness shall breed a nation of strong and dedicated men. Indeed, she has to become a source of supreme inspiration to man on his onward march. The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world. Charles Malik The work ideally suited to her natural talent is of educating the illiterate masses of India. The education of children mainly depends upon her. Women have the quality to instruct, as well as please ; teach as well as amuse. By virtue of their natural quality of persuasion, tact, sympathy and love they make better teachers which our nation requires in ever-increasing number. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein If you can read this, thank a teacher. Woman is an ideal nurse. As doctors and surgeons they can relieve much human suffering and pain. The country needs her service in this direction far more urgently. It. does not, however, mean that they are not fit for administrative or executive jobs. They have a quick understanding of the work entrusted to them and are cool headed, objective and impartial in their approach. They have rare devotion to duty and have peaceful approach to the problems. Their integrity of character and steadfastness lends charm and dignity to the work they undertake. They are not a grumbling, complaining and agitating lot. In the government offices they have proved that they can succeed better where men have totally failed. Caring is the essence of nursing. ~Jean Watson Woman by nature is a peace maker. She is blessed with the’ tact and skill to convince and drive the argument in her favor. In judicial and executive posts she is more objective, unbiased and unprejudiced than man. In the field of international politics and diplomacy she has already lifted the image of our country. Diplomacy is her latent quality. Politeness of appearance closely guards her strong and bold heart. She has a commanding personality which ii grimly solemn. It is rightly remarked, There is in every true woman s heart a spark of heavenly tire which lies dormant in the the broad daylight of prosperity but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity. Thus, her services are more urgently required in building up national integrity in the field of politics and diplomacy. ’ I am convinced that the women of the world, united without any regard for national or racial dimensions, can become a most powerful force for international peace and brotherhood. † Coretta Scott King, (1922-) Woman’s heart is always overflowing with the milk of human kindness. In this respect the cjuntry needs her particularly for village service to impart the necessary teachi ng of family planning to the village woman. She can teach the rules of hygiene and sanitation and child care. She can thus bring about true moral, social and spiritual emancipation among village people and the masses on the whole. Woman is essentially a soldier all her life fighting against her first and the foremost enemy that is her sex. However, the fighting ability of woman can be better harnessed for the purpose of leadership and service. They today receive training in National Cadet Corps and have the fine opportunity to be of service in case of national emergency. Today women have made considerable progress, yet it is desired that in order to prove themselves worthy of the country, the freedom enjoyed by them is not misused. If we are honest, we must recognize that women of our country still have to fight against men and age-old prejudices to assert themselves. Men must, therefore, dispel the vain and futile sense of superiority and grant them equal chance and opportunity in life and in the work of building a mighty nation. Today woman has established her claims   to equality with man in all walks of life. She has broken the chains of bondage and inferiority complex, and will never return to her forme r status of a painted doll, a kitchen drudge, a child-bearing machine or a mere hanger-on. It ishoped that she will exert her healthy influence to create a new wort order based on goodwill and harmony.

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